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Somatic Explorations

Grounding into Expansion

 Sunday, June 23

Nelson, BC

9:30 AM to 3:30 PM


For info or to register, click here.

The sun marks its highest point of the year at Summer Solstice (Litha), bringing intense energy and possibility for expansion. How do we meet this intensity through the body? We bridge the grounding earth energy with the expansive sky energy ~ into our body ~ opening to a more deeply embodied sense of the elements and flow of life force energy. 

Loving Ourselves into Wholeness

Sunday, Sept 22

Nelson, BC

9:30 AM to 3:30 PM


For info or to register, click here.

Harnessing the powerful balancing energies of the Autumn Equinox (Mabon), we will explore somatically:

  • the synergistic relationship of feminine and masculine energies as a whole;

  • the embodied expression of feminine and masculine energies;

  • the practice of balancing these energies within ourselves.

Residential Process Workshops

Autumn Dates:

Friday-Sunday, Oct 4-6

Nelson, BC


*if finances an obstacle, one space is reserved for a negotiated rate*

For info or to register, click here.

Autumn is a potent time to gather ourselves, to gently put aside that which we no longer need, and to begin the slow inward turn to the cocooning season. We support each other in the group and we learn from each participant's process. This is a deep and transformative exploration!
Private room, lunches, snacks and beverages all included, with two simple pot-luck style dinners where everyone contributes. Participants are responsible for their own breakfasts.

Is there a topic you are curious to explore somatically, within a group container?

Would you like to arrange a gathering or process workshop in a community outside of the Nelson area?


Reach out! I'm delighted to explore the creation of offerings that feel relevant & supportive to you in your embodiment journey.

"Ever feel like you have been stuffed into a small, suffocating box due to societal pressures and family expectations? Deirdre guided me to powerfully escape that box and blossom to find my own power and live my life according to my own truth. Our work together has changed the direction of my life from one filled with physical and emotional pain to one where I feel joy and excitement in my body. She is able to teach a person to listen to the wisdom of their body and unravel and heal past traumas. She does this delicately and with so much love. I highly recommend working with her."

~ Brenda Thomas, Nelson BC

To stay current with upcoming offerings, please sign up for my seasonal newsletter.

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